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DocFilm — Home Again - What’s the Future for Young Gambians?

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5 мај 2024
03:30 UTC
DocFilmHome Again - What’s the Future for Young Gambians?
Paabi was deported from Libya during his second attempt to reach Europe illegally. Back in his home country Gambia, he’s trying to use a 1,000 Euro reintegration loan to build a new life for himself. But things aren’t going well.
04:00 UTC
DW NewsNews
04:15 UTC
Sports LifeHarutyun Merdinyan - The Old Man and the Horse
He is the Methuselah of gymnastics. Armenia's Harutyun Merdinyan was 39 when he became the European champion on the pommel horse in 2022. And he keeps on going. With his never-ending power, he is more than simply a sporting phenomenon. He also served as a symbol of invincibility for many Armenians during the conflict with neighboring Azerbaijan.