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電視直播 - DW English

電視直播 - DW English

Her — At the top

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15:15 UTC
HerAt the top
Why is it harder for women to get good jobs? Is it a lack of confidence, or the lack of necessary education or training? Or is it gender bias that exists in the corporate world? More and more, women don’t really care what’s causing the discrimination they face. They just want to overcome it. And some of these women surpass all the hurdles and climb to the top.
15:30 UTC
Arts UnveiledWomen and heavy metal
Metal is hard, aggressive, and loud. Since its beginnings in the 1970s, the scene has been dominated by men, so goes the cliché. But women have always been there! Let's meet female talents at Germany's biggest festival.
16:00 UTC
DW NewsNews